Chair Yoga Class 1

Chair Yoga is a seated yoga practice where we explore different poses, movements, breathing and mindfulness exercises while sitting in a chair. Chair Yoga is a great practice for anyone who struggles or is unable to get up and down off the floor for whatever reason. This kind of class is great for mobilising all the different joints in the body in a gentle way. It brings awareness to the mind and body through the breath and can foster an overall sense of ease and wellbeing.

This style of yoga can be practiced by anyone. It is ideal for older people, people with injuries or long term health conditions and/or mobility issues. It’s also perfect for office workers who need a break from hunching over a desk.

Chair Yoga Class 3

A chair yoga class has all of the elements that you might expect to see in a regular class. We move, breathe, stretch and mobilise muscles and joints and we take time in between to get still and notice the subtle shifts of our inner landscape. There’s nothing like moving the body to get out of the head. Any kind of movement be it seated, standing or laying down can have a profound effect upon mood and wellbeing.

It’s a practice that can improve focus and balance. Falls are the number one reason that older people are taken to A&E in the UK. Fractures from these falls are common and often serious – sometimes life-threatening, which can result in lengthy hospital stays, protracted rehabilitation and a heart-breaking loss of confidence. 20%* of hip fracture patients enter long-term care in the first year following the fracture. (* Chair yoga can help to strengthen muscles and improve overall balance and awareness. Over the years I’ve been teaching I’ve had many older people tell me about near-fall experiences and how they were able to rebalance and save themselves from falling, going on to say that they credit this to their yoga practice.

Chair Yoga Class 2

In my opinion one of the most vital benefits of this type of class is the community connection and the people you meet. Usually there is time before and after class for a bit of a chat (and oftentimes a cup of tea). I’ve watched friendships form and flourish as people connect to one another and realise they have a lot in common.

I’m currently teaching multiple chair yoga classes in Plymouth. You can view my schedule on my classes page and pick the day/time of class that suits you best.

And if you want to ask any questions, you contact me by email or phone.

I’m also available to provide Chair Yoga in Plymouth to charities, groups and organisations in need of gentle, mindful movement.

Chair Yoga Class 4