Do you find it tricky to get to a class at your local studio because the days/times aren’t quite a good fit for your schedule? Are you new to yoga and worried you won’t fit in, or you feel too self-conscious to join a group class without having a good grounding in the basics? Perhaps you’re a seasoned practitioner but you’re dealing with an injury and need to avoid certain poses and you’re not sure how much of a regular group class you’d be able to manage?

If you answered yes to any of the above, it may be that you’d benefit from some private yoga lessons.

Whatever your reason for taking private sessions, you will benefit from having 100% of the teacher’s attention for the entire hour and be able to work on aspect of your practice that suits you personally, rather than considering the needs and abilities of a group class.

Some of the benefits of a private session are:

1 – You get to pick your time slot so that it fits in with your life, rather than you trying to fit in with the timetable at your local studio. 

2 – If you are a beginner, you can go over the foundational aspects of the poses such as hand and feet placement and general form of the pose, until you are ready to move on.

3 – If you are a more experienced practitioner you can work on alignment and refinement specific to your own body and practice.

4 – You can focus on your own goals and needs – turn up to class with no energy after having had a horrendous day at work, no problem, you might benefit from a more restorative practice that soothes your central nervous system, rather than putting your body through it’s paces.

5 – Receive individual feedback and personal assists in the moment, rather than trying to catch the teacher after class and then having to remember what it was you were struggling with after coming out of Savasana (I’ve lost count of how many questions for teachers I’ve had that have been forgotten during relaxation).

6 – If you are dealing with an injury or other health issue that requires a modified practice, a private session will be tailored to your own needs and can with therapeutic application of some poses, can help you to heal faster.

7 – The opportunity to delve deeper into the more esoteric aspects of yoga such as philosophy and the subtle body. As yoga teachers, we don’t always have time to share everything we wanted to bring into a 60min group class when there are lots of people to look after.

8 – By improving your awareness of your own body, you can learn how to take your yoga off the mat and into your life. Private lessons help you become a student of yourself and your body in a much deeper and more meaningful way because the whole lesson is all about you.

Private sessions can happen anywhere of your choosing, as long as you have a room big enough for a mat and 2 people. This might be your home or even an empty office at your workplace.

Private yoga lessons can be delivered either in-person or online via a platform such as zoom. When working with private client’s on zoom, I ask that they have sufficient space and are able to position their camera so I get a side-view of their mat as this helps me to better observe their body and alignment while in the poses.

If you’re someone that doesn’t like all the attention and would feel daunted at the prospect of being one on one with a teacher, no worries, private yoga lessons can accommodate friends, partners, or small groups.

For more information or to book your first private yoga session either online or in the Plymouth, Devon/Cornwall area, please get in touch, I’d love to hear from you.