Back in 2016, I left my first 200hr yoga teacher training eager to share all that I’d learned but feeling rather lost. On top of this, I had moved to a new city where I knew no one other than my partner, had no idea about the local yoga scene and didn’t know where to start. I felt helpless and wished I’d had someone I could talk to about getting started with teaching.
When I finally got my first class, I had my plan and off I went. To a rude awakening that although I could guide a group of yogi’s (my fellow YTT team mates), through a vinyasa sequence, teaching the general population in an open level class was an entirely different ball game.
I began to doubt myself, my training and my own knowledge and practice being of any use to anyone. I felt like giving up on more than one occasion.
I managed to navigate this difficult time pretty much alone. I didn’t know that Yoga Teacher Mentoring was a thing and it was certainly never offered to me. I vowed at that stage that I would never want anyone else to feel like this or go through what I went though in those week and months after qualifying. I quickly learnt that I could not only be of service to my students but also to new teachers just starting out in sharing their gifts.
Since then and having been through multiple mentorship programs with more senior teachers as the Mentee, I have supported, assisted and helped a number of new teachers find their wings and fly off into successful teaching careers. In my view it doesn’t matter how experience you are in your field, we can all benefit from some kind of mentorship whether formal or informal from time to time.

Get in Touch
Sometimes all that is needed is re-assurance. Other times the mentoring for new yoga teachers is more centred around specific skill areas or structured practical guidance.
If you are a new yoga teacher, feeling alone and/or lost after completing your YTT and think you might benefit from a few short mentoring sessions, please get in touch. These sessions can be held remotely via zoom or in person in the Plymouth/South Devon/Cornwall area. After completing a short questionnaire, I will invite you for your first session to discuss your aims and needs more specifically. I recommend at least 5 sessions to get the most out of them.

Please contact Michelle for current pricing.
If you are interested in signing up for these sessions, please get in touch and I will send you a questionnaire to complete before we get you booked in!